Sunday, December 1, 2013

Emulating Hamish Fulton

Hamish Fulton "the walking artist", takes pictures of paths and roads. I took this photo trying to emulate him. I really like how the sun hits the trees and highlights the texture. This photo creates a path with the line of trees, the sun, and the shadows. 

I really like this photo because it not only shows the path but also some of the ocean and a few houses and trees. I think the grass looks very intense with the lighting. There are certain areas which are much lighter than others, giving it more contrast. I think the path brings the whole photo together and allows everything to work well together. 

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Avedon Portraits2

I like this portrait because of the expression and the lighting. It reminds me of an "Avedon style" portrait because of the white background and the expression of the subject. 

I really like this photo because of how prominent the eyes are. Since the the subject's face is so close we are really able to get a sense of what his eyes look like and how they add to the photo. This is one of my favorites because I think it captures the emotion. 

This photo reminds me of Avedon style because of the plain background and the prominent eyes. They are very dominant and seem to pierce right through you. 
I like this photo because of the eyes and her expression. I tried to capture some sadness in the subject's face, and I think the eyes really pop out at you in this picture. 

This is one of my favorites because of her eyes and mouth. Her face shows some surprise and shock, and demonstrates Avedon style through the prominent eyes. Overall, I think her features add to the photo even more by showing the emotion. 

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Favorite Assignment

I really like this photo for its colors. The soft green and reddish purple go well together and I think, help the photo. This picture demonstrates foreground/
background because part of the green fern is in better focus than the rest of it. I think the blur brings out the colors even more because the green goes well with not so clear aspects of the photo. 

This photo shows leading lines and rule of thirds. The building on the left side creates depth by leading into the church in the center. It is also on the side so it can be considered rule of thirds. I put an effect on the photo so the colors would appear more brown-ish and grainy. I think it goes well with the colors and helps the church's red roof stand out among the rest of the photo.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Micro Worlds

This photo is the first part of my story. It demonstrates foreground/background because the man is in focus and the dinosaur is blurry. It also shows rule of thirds because he is in the left part of the photo, and not in the complete center. Overall, this photo sets the stage for the story of the "chase". Although it doesn't have a beginning and an end, this is how the continuous running starts. 

In this photo I tried to get a 'looking up' perspective of the man and the dinosaur. I think the black and white further accentuates this "chase" scene and especially adds to this photo. This is because the white sky and the grey buildings give it more of eerie feel, whereas the sky could have been blue. 

In this photo, the dinosaur and other animals are beginning to catch up with the man and he is getting more and more worried. I tried to really capture the idea of rule of thirds. I attempted to get the all of the characters in one corner of the photo and the leaves be the main focus. This photo gives a new perspective of the chase and emphasizes that the dinosaur is getting closer and closer. 

This photo also uses background/foreground to blur the man and focus in on the dinosaur. This allows us to get a good look at the dinosaur's mouth, making us more scared for the man. I also tried to capture leading lines, having the white ground get skinnier as it continues down the photo. The smaller animals around the dinosaur also give us a better perspective of how large and terrifying the dinosaur is. 
In this last photo, the man is running out of time. The chase is about to end, and will most likely end badly. I tried to create depth by getting my camera very close to the surface of the dinosaur, allowing it to seem more realistic. This last photo doesn't exactly explain the ending of the story but it allows the audience to make up an ending of their own, and imagine the chase as they want to. 

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Rule of Thirds

This photo uses rule of thirds because although it focuses on the tree, the main subject is the scene 
on the right side, using rule of thirds techniques. 

This photo is similar in the way that the plants on the left are the subject and the grey cement is the plain background that balances out the photo. 

This photo uses rule of thirds because the ping pong paddle is in the corner of the photo, although still the subject of the picture. 

This picture has the church and the busy scene be the main focus while the red pole is the simple surface that provides the rule of thirds theme. 

I like this photo because the houses are in the bottom and the majority of the photo is sky. Although it doesn't fully fit the requirements of rule of thirds, it has a lot of contrast. 

This photo is similar to the one above because the subject are the flowers which are in the lower quadrant. They are placed against a plain wall, which allows them to pop out. 

The house in this photo is to the side which allows it to be rule of thirds. However, I don't think this is a very strong example of rule of thirds because the house takes up most of the photo. 

The yellow rose coupled with the brick wall demonstrates rule of thirds because the rose is placed in the corner of the photo. 

I like this photo because although the background against the purple flower is not exactly simple, it is all the same which causes the purple to catch your eye and come out at you. 

Tuesday, September 17, 2013


This photo was taken with the AV setting. Part of the succulent is more focused than the rest of it, making it more defined and clear.

This picture uses the AV setting to keep the flower in focus and blur out the rest of the plants in the background. Although the photo is somewhat dark, the flower is more dominant than the ferns.

This photo was also taken in the AV setting. I decided to add this one as just an extra (not part of my two photos for AV) photo because I like how the sun also 
blurs the background. Even though the foreground and background are not completely differentiated, I still like the comparison.